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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More rants about equal opportunity....

The nation is becoming a bunch of squabbling, hyphenated nationalities looking for their rich Uncle (Sam, that is) to shower them with money and attention. The battles for equal opportunity have been fought and won. Equal opportunity does not mean guaranteed success. You have equal opportunity to fail and to not try at all. There are people of all colors and hyphenations that fall into all examples.

Black people can not be looked at as a group anymore than white or brown people. We are all individuals with varied mindsets, mentalities, priorities and responsibilities. Some of us do the right thing because it is the right thing to do...some of us are content sitting on the front porch watching life go by...just like the rednecks in the trailer park or the hillbillies on the mountain or the spoiled rich kid in the affluent suburbs.

I refuse to have to defend, support, or coddle those who have the means and mentality to do better but choose to not try.

This is not racism.

I am an American black male with African and European ancestry and this is what I feel about what I see.

I have relatives who are successful and some who are trying to be and some who never will be.

We all do and there is not too much you can do besides make sure they are AWARE of the opportunities they are ignoring. Anything else done for the sake of "soul saving" only exasperates the problem and extends it one more generation. I say now is the time to get tough and show some tough love.

If you truly want to improve your living condition, come on up. If you don't, get out of the way of the person behind you that does.

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Is it time to Drop the Dash and be "American"?

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Just someone who doesn't want his children to have to fight the same race and ethnic battles that his parents did. It's the 21st century, isn't it time we all got along?