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Saturday, December 27, 2008

The RNC has lost its mind and way.....

What is with the RNC?

The rest of the country is looking for ways to work together to fix this mess we're in and they are still out here acting like spoiled rednecks!

Barack the Magic Negro? Have a Very Spanglish Christmas?

A "We Hate America" CD sent out for Christmas?

Could a national group be anymore callous, ignorant, and kow-towish to the racist rednecks in this country?

My websites promote patriotism for our country. We encourage the use of "American" instead of hyphenated-American. We believe it does more harm than good to our country to be so ethno-centric and race conscious.

We do NOT support racism or ethnicism.

We do NOT think it is funny to pick on the different kids on the playgroud.

The RNC needs to grow the -uck up!

Is it time to Drop the Dash and be "American"?

About me...

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Just someone who doesn't want his children to have to fight the same race and ethnic battles that his parents did. It's the 21st century, isn't it time we all got along?