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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hyphenated Americans and blackamericaweb

To sevennotrump and all who think I am an Uncle Tom from the website:


Obama won the presidency because he - like most of the successful people in this country - did not stress his race or ethnicity. He focused on what we ALL have in common based on our ideologies, morals, values and beliefs...not a miniscule dominant gene in our DNA.

This is not selling out in no way shape or form.

Yes, I cried when PA. VA. and Florida results came in because each one was a significant step towards that magic 270 for my choice of President.
Yes, I know the struggles, pain and suffering of my older siblings, parents and their parents. Yes, I am fully aware of the racists living in MY state and every state of the union.

BUT, this does not make me less proud to be born in this country. This does not make me want to qualify my nationality with the continent of SOME of my ancestors. I am an American with African and European ancestry. So are most of you. Why CHOOSE which ancestral tree limb you attach to your birth nationality? Because some dumb redneck cop sees your race/ethnicity first means that is what you are? Puleeze! Since your great-great-grandfather was black, I guess that makes you black, too, huh? Sounds like the Jim Crow laws to me.

Your parents and mine fought to be recognized as AMERICANS first...all else second.

This is our country. Obama is the President-elect of the United States of America...not just the blacks.

I am sincere in this post and all posts I make across the web. I love who I am, who my ancestors were, where they have come from and their triumph over all the obstacles thrown in the way.

I believe they want their descendants to be Americans or brown or white or whatever second.

This country is about dreams. People come to this country to fulfill their dreams and - although some of our ancestors were forced here - this country has once again shown itself to be a place where dreams DO come true.

All I am trying to stress here is that WE need to start pointing out the greatness of our country sometimes instead of hypeing on the bad.

And, just because you do not agree with my position and we are the same ethnicity does NOT make ME wrong or naive or blind or whatever.

I may live in a different world than you but that MAY be because I SEE a different world than you. I know racism is all around. I know sexism is all around. I CHOOSE to see the good and fair people and they are all around, too.

The racist acts are exceptions to the rule now. We all go day to day without ever being exposed o this ignorance even here in Georgia.

I want to remove the power from the racists and their racist words.

How else to do this than to put the focus on the criminal act and not the race of the victim. When all Americans feel they could be victims of that crime, Americans react. We do ourselves a disservice by making all things racial racist.

Once again, don't question my blackness because I promote a different way of labeling ourselves. You have only been an "African-American" for twenty years. Before that you were black, afro-american, negro, etc. What was wrong wih being American blacks? What election was held where we all decided to change our label? I want a recount.

I say we have ALWAYS been Americans and that's what I prefer to be called.

Anyone who tosses "uncle tom" and other silly "think he's white" types of insults at me is just showing their foolishness and lack of intelligence.

Disagree if you will...but debate the usage of the label....not the messenger.

AND, I assure you all, Obama will eventually point out this same hyphenation-foolishness during his term.

Been gone awhile!!!!

Hey you all...I've been out of the loop for a minute...kinda still recovering from the Obama victory....Yes, I am an Obama supporter and have been since his 2004 DNC speech.

But, I am back so I hope you all are prepared to hear some more of my rants!!!!!

Is it time to Drop the Dash and be "American"?

About me...

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Just someone who doesn't want his children to have to fight the same race and ethnic battles that his parents did. It's the 21st century, isn't it time we all got along?